Disability Welfare at Clare
Disability Resource Centre (DRC)
If you have a disability, the DRC is one of your first points of call. The DRC offers a confidential and accessible service for all disabled students supporting access to their teaching and learning during their time at Cambridge. The DRC helps to but reasonable adjustments in place for students with disabilities to make academic life easier.
All students who disclose a disability on application will be emailed by the DRC between March and July, asking for more information. Engaging with the DRC before you arrive will make for an easier transition into student life. If you have an offer but haven’t disclosed on application, you can disclose at any time by emailing disability@admin.cam.ac.uk..
To explore accessibility options in Cambridge visit AccessAble. AccessAble is a guide created to enhance the existing provision of information on Accessibility and the University estate for students, staff and the general public.
If you have any accessibility requirements around college visit this page. For any specific questions, worries or issues about College Buildings please email Deborah Hoy, the Estates Manager, (dsh39@cam.ac.uk). For any specific questions, worries or issues about College Accommodation please email Jackie Searle, the Accommodation Manager, (accommodationmanager@clare.cam.ac.uk).
Health and Wellbeing Centre
The College Nurses can offer support and advice for those seeking information and advice on disability-related issues. You can book an appointment with them here: https://www.clare.cam.ac.uk/Online-Booking-System-College-Nurses/
The Crane’s Fund
The Crane's Fund provides financial assistance to any student of the University who needs treatment for physical or mental illness and who can demonstrate financial need. In all cases, treatment should not be conveniently or readily obtainable under the NHS.
Although Crane’s does not fund assessments Specific Learning Difficulties (dyslexia/dyspraxia), they will fund diagnostic assessment for autism and ADHD will be supported.
To access this fund, you will either need to speak to the College Nurses, your Graduate Tutor or the Financial Tutor.
N.B If you suspect that you may have a disability/SpLD, and would like to receive diagnostic assessment, please speak to the College Nurses as they can advise you on how to proceed whether through the NHS, College or the University.
Our Disabilities Officer
Aliya Abdukadir Ali is the current MCR Disabilities officer and can be contacted at mcr-disability@clare.cam.ac.uk.
The Disabilities officer is part of the MCR Welfare team. They are the first point of contact for students who have any disability related queries or issues. They can point students in the right direction for where to go to get support, helping them through the navigation of the somewhat confusing College/Department/University set up that exists here is Cambridge.